Pietro Fiorentini Regulators
F7066050G - Pressure Regulator Dival 600 2", Cast Iron,..White Orange 12.1 - 18.1 PSI Spring
F7066049G - Pressure Regulator Dival 6002", Cast Iron, W/Bp Head,..Light Blue 2.1 - 3.9 PSI Spring
F7066024G - Pressure Regulator Dival 2", 150 Rf Flanged, Di W/Tr Head White /Orange Spring
F7066024G - Pressure Regulator Dival 600 2", 150Rf Cast Iron Tr Head With Light Blue Spring.
F7012462G - Pressure Regulator Norval 2", 375 Head Ci With Lt Blue 9.86 - 15.23 PSI Spring